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Dear Lauressa 2

Dear Lauressa,

I like, really want to be popular. I want to be like the pretty people on my TV. Like, I’ve been trying to stalk all of the cool kids on instagram and copy, but it just isn’t working. I mean, I do everything they do, I follow them everywhere, I am them, they are me. But I still don’t get 100 likes on instagram. @lauressa, like plz help me now.

Hello, it’s me. How to be popular: put yourself out in the open and way out of your comfort zone. Why you may ask? Because if no one ever knows who you are how are you supposed to be popular. Ok now that you’ve opened yourself up to new possibilities, ditch your old friends and take the high road. Now find new friends, this can be hard in middle school you may get rejected quite a lot but keep at it. Middle school should be the height of your lifetime. Popularity is a big deal. If you aren’t popular than you will never be successful in life. Remember part of popularity is really just natural selection. “Some people are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them.” Next, you must become the most popular person in your school. Popularity has nothing to do with your personality, it's all about face value. I suggest spending all your college money on cool clothes and expensive shoes. Some people can change themselves, but some people can’t. Some people can change themselves, but some people can’t. If you can’t I suggest you throw yourself away, like the trash you are. The real key to popularity is to change yourself completely, If you can’t deal with it, deal with you! ‘

Your likeable guide,


Students' Press Staff
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